Fencing project

My Therapy
My Therapy
My Therapy
I find that whenever I just want a break from the everyday trials and tribulations, fencing does that for me. Yesterday was a beautiful day so I decided to get some therapy. Sunny, warm, just me and the outdoors. Doesn't get any better than that...
Fencing The Pedersons
Fencing The Pedersons
Fencing The Pedersons
All week I've got some things from our fencing project at the Peterson ranch up by Mosby. Larry & Chris Peterson's ranch was decimated by fire recently and they lost essentially ALL of their fences. Paul was talking about it and thought it would be a good idea to ask listeners for donations and see if we could get a few of them to join us a put a bunch of barbed wire fence for these folks on a
The 20 Mile Challenge
The 20 Mile Challenge
The 20 Mile Challenge
We have decided to help the Peterson family from Mosby with their fencing project.  They lost all their grass and fences but not their will to press on in tough times.  We are currently raising money and putting together the final details of our day to get them back on their feet again...