After standing about 5 feet away from Tim McGraw last night, today Mark opened up the phones and asked Cat Country listeners to call in with stories about their random celebrity encounters.  And we heard some great stories.

One lady told us about the time she ran into Elvis Presley relaxing on a beach in Biloxi, Mississippi.  She walked up to Elvis and said hello.  He smiled and shook her hand.  It's a moment she'll never forget.

We also heard from a gal who was taking her car in for an oil change.  She looked over and, low and behold, there was Dennis Quaid waiting in the lobby.

Another guy called in to tell his story about meeting Wayne Newton at a gas station in Great Falls.  Even celebrities need gas too.  We heard stories about meeting John Schneider from the Dukes of Hazzard walking down the street in Las Vegas. One gentlemen met Ted Nugent at the airport.

Then there was the guy who went to a cattle sale in Absaorkee.  He looked over and saw Mel Gibson.  His son wanted to approach him, but this man decided not to bother him.  He later told his son that celebrities come to Montana to get away from people, not meet new ones.

Have you had a brush with fame?  Tell us about it,

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