Mark Wilson

Breakfast Flakes Go on Vacation Part One – The Breakfast Flakes
We've spent the better part of this week talking about our enjoyable annual vacation.
So we figured why not feature some highlights of our discussion. Here is part one of those highlights.

The Truth Behind Our Recruiting Practices – The Breakfast Flakes
So on the show this morning Paul mentioned that we should really have a talk with our General Manager about our hiring practices. Paul felt like we should just go ahead and be more honest with what we are looking for, because we end up with these crazy folks anyways. Oh well, I guess that's just the hazards of working in this industry that we all know and love!

What’s Your Opinion on The Proposed Voter Legislation? – The Breakfast Flakes
On the show this morning we discussed the proposed legislation that is being discussed in Helena right now that is proposing that same-day voter registration be removed.
We would like to hear your comments on the proposed legislation...

The Flakes Talk Guyology – The Breakfast Flakes
Let's face it, Men and from Venus and Women truly are from Mars. We are on such different wave lengths that we honestly don't know how we are still managing to get through a day functioning among each other. So for today Paul and I discussed the many different and contradictory philosophies for today's Weird Wednesday.

The New Frequent Flyer App, Who Cares? – The Breakfast Flakes
Let's face it folks. We've far surpassed the days of commercial flight that comedians would exaggerate upon to get a couple cheap laughs out the crowd. It's gone was past some light ribbing to an outright nightmare. The costs of traveling by commercial flight continues to grow, and yet the experience continues to become worse.

Should Insurance Companies Be Allowed To Charge Higher Premiums For Obesity? – The Breakfast Flakes
The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research recently conducted a survey of of more than a 1,000 adults to view their perception of obesity and obesity related health issues. Here are some highlights from the survey, as reported by the Associated Press...

Mark Tells Another Really Uplifting Story Story – The Breakfast Flakes
Do you know who this is? If you don't know who he is or you do and just want to hear a story about him, listen to this cut from our show.

Mark and Paul Go Hunting – The Breakfast Flakes
I read a small piece of news about a Laurel lawmaker who was injured during a hunting accident. That accident brought back fond memories of the time I went out to Paul's ranch to go 'hunting' with him. I shared the story on today's show.

Highlights From Joke Day – The Breakfast Flakes
We had some great laughs today on the show! Lots of funny jokes and we got some qualifiers for the Rascall Flatts concert tickets. Don't forget we will be qualifying more people tomorrow morning as well.
Here is a roundup of our favorite jokes from today's show:

Do You Want To See More Digital Content From The Breakfast Flakes? – The Breakfast Flakes
Paul and I are no dummies, we've been doing this "Radio thing" for 25 years now. We've seen the leaps and bounds in the advancements in technology and how it has molded the Radio industry into what it has become today.
Our parent company Townsquare Media has embraced technology and the "web" with open arms and have been at the forefront of providing our listeners with engaging

“James Taylor Could Sing The Phonebook” – The Breakfast Flakes
James Taylor could sing the phone book and I'd listen to it on repeat! Paul and I were discussing this amazing Singer and Song writer the other day during our 'Farmer Picks A Song" segment. I don't think Paul quite agreed with me, but at least he gave it a listen...

Once a Twilight Blood Sucker, Always a Sucker – The Breakfast Flakes
The Thanksgiving weekend is usually a pretty big weekend for the Hollywood box office. This year was no different, and in fact it was the largest box office weekend of all time!
'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2' - $43 million
'Skyfall' - $36 million
'Lincoln' - $25 million
'Rise of the Guardians' - $24 million
'Life of Pi' - $22 million
The weekend owes a lot of thanks obviously to the f