Montanans Offer Their Best 5 Words of Winter Advice
You can expect a little snark, brutal honesty, and quality advice from Montanans when you ask for "just five words" of winter advice.
Granted, some folks just couldn't get the FIVE WORDS part right...most of the real advice is sound. We wanted to gather a quick-fire bucket of advice from Montanans, aimed at folks who might be experiencing their first "real winter". This call for advice was made during a record-breaking December cold snap.
December 21st was the first day of Winter, even though Montana has been getting hammered with snow since early November. (If you missed it, we had the most gorgeous October this year so we were due for some sort of payback from Mother Nature...you can't have it all!)
So let's take a look at what Montanans had to say, in just five words. Keep in mind that there's a reasonable amount of snarky attitude in these responses. That's pretty typical these days when talking about new residents to Montana. But for the most part, there are solid tidbits of great advice...even if they did use more than 5 words :-)
- "This is nothing. Just wait."
- "Light snow is quality snow"
- "Plan for winter in summer" (love this piece of advice!)
- "Be a good neighbor, always"
- "roof shovels are a thing"
- "Your home state is calling."
- "Roofs and gutters get iced up"
- "Jump start cars for Karma"
- "Open cabinets or freeze pipes"
- "animals need cold protection too"
- "Can't have too much wood!" (one of our my personal favorites)
- "It's only Winter 'til June"
- "always order your firewood early"
- "Scared? Stay off the roads."
- "Semis probably can't see you"
- "Layers are your best friend"
- "A safe bet: stocked pantry"
- "Don't be a dick - shovel."
- "Spend the money on tires"
- "But it's a dry cold" (lol)
- "Respect Montana - it's no joke"
- "Good neighbors are the key"
- "Not too late to leave."
- "Be humble. Ask for help"
- "Blow out your sprinklers, fool"
- "Plug your car in" (referring to block heaters, not electric vehicles)
- "When frigid, diesel can gel"
- "Don't let the dog bowls freeze"
- "Cat litter in the car"
- "Don't drive when it's sh**"
- "Tip food delivery people well"
- "Don't let your pipes freeze"