Defrosting a windshield in Montana can be a challenging task. 

 And it’s especially tough during the winter months when temperatures can drop well below freezing. We all want to see family and friends and may have to drive long distances to see them for the holidays. But icy windshields can be very dangerous and has lead to many deaths in the state of Montana. 

You may be thinking, "I have windshield wiper fluid to de-ice that for me."   That's true. However, if you want to keep refilling your car with wiper fluid all winter, be my guest.  

Here are some tips to help you defrost your windshield quickly and safely: 

Start by scraping off any excess ice and snow from your windshield using a snow scraper. Or a broom... I've seen it happen.  Do a couple of hard scrapes and put some elbow grease into it. 
Credit: Canva
Credit: Canva
Turn on your car's defrost setting to the highest setting and aim the vents at the windshield. This will help to blow warm air onto the windshield and speed up the defrosting process. If you have remote start on your car, I am jealous! 
Credit: Canva
Credit: Canva
My favorite life hack EVER: If you are in a hurry and need to defrost your windshield quickly, you can use a mixture of water and rubbing alcohol to help melt the ice. Simply mix equal parts water and rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle and mist the solution onto your windshield. The alcohol will help to lower the freezing point of the ice, making it quite easy to remove. 
Credit: Canva 1 part water, 1 part alcohol
Credit: Canva 1 part water, 1 part alcohol

This next part is super important for Montanans.  

Avoid using hot water to defrost your windshield. While it may seem like a good idea to pour hot water onto the windshield to melt the ice, this can actually cause the glass to crack or shatter. You've seen those videos right? Someone thinks they're slick and pours hot water, but then bam! The windshield is donezo. This combined with the windshield defrost setting in the vehicle will make defrosting much faster. 

By using the right tools and techniques, you can avoid the dangers of driving with an icy windshield and get on the road safely.

Happy Holidays, and travel safely Montanans!  

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