The hot, smoky weekend is a good reason to celebrate a holiday, even an off-the-wall one.  So here are a few to inspire your activities this weekend.

Friday, July 26th:

National Bagelfest Day and National Coffee Milkshake Day

Breakfast of Champions, right?  Now you know what to have to start each day this weekend.  I have never had a coffee milkshake.  Now I know my out-of-the-box activity to do.

National Dog Photography Day

Our Digital Marketing Editor Jaci is loving this!  Today we should treat our furry best friends like supermodels.  Actually, feel free to send us the pics.

System Administrator Appreciation Day

They are the behind-the-scenes IT heroes when "currently experiencing technical difficulties.  Please stand by."  They keep the digital ship flying, just like Montgomery Scott with the Enterprise.

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Saturday, July 27th:

National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day

These living Vets will soon become as few as World War II Vets.  When you see either, thank them at once.

Take Your Houseplant for a Walk Day

And be sure to clean up after it.  Here a helpful tip for when you are the center of attention in the neighbor: the 27th is also Take Your Pants for a Walk Day.  Now if you want a real challenge, carry that potted fern and Walk on Stilts Day.

Not up for exercise, but still want an adventure?  Have I got the holiday for you!

Gary Gygax Day

Roll the dice and make your save.  Gary Gygax and David Arneson created Dungeons and Dragons in 1974.  This role-playing game sent thousands of young people into weekend-long gaming campaigns from their parents' basements and college dorm rooms, slaying monsters with a diet of junk food and caffeine.  Yep, I miss those days.

Credit: fizkes, Getty Images, TSM Media Center

Sunday, July 28th:

National Parents Day

After gaming all Saturday, treat Mom and Dad to Sunday dinner, and thank them for the use of the basement.  And for your bedroom, and meals, and clothing, and the toys...

National Soccer Day

Smoke, schmoke, get out of the basement and kick a ball around.  Like my Dad said in his old age, "Enjoy your legs while you have them."

National Tree Day and World Nature Conservation Day

Go out and hug a tree today.

Actually, this is a good time in Summer to appreciate the shade.

And after a weekend of holidays, wrap it up with this:

National Milk Chocolate Day

Need I say more?

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