Who is Laura Loomer? And what does it mean to get "Loomered"?

Laura Loomer joined us on our statewide radio show, "Montana Talks with Aaron Flint" on Tuesday. We were also joined in studio by John Jackson, "the Joker from Twitter."

Aaron Flint: How do you describe Laura Loomer for those who may not be familiar with the guerrilla warfare tactics she uses to go after the radical left?

John Jackson: She's got a massive following on Twitter, and what she specializes in- she's an incredible investigator. She will find out the deepest darkest stuff on people that even as it seems like political opposition professionals don't find, right? And she also specializes in- if you're out here hiding like Jon Tester is right now, she will find you wherever you are and be waiting on you to come out. And then ask you these questions that you don't want to talk about like bop- bop- bop- bop.

As we've pointed out before, liberal Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) refuses to take phone calls from Montanans. He never gets asked any tough questions, or even questions about topics that he doesn't want to talk about, by so many in the Montana media. Instead, they cover for this guy.

Tester got "loomered" - busted, on camera- a few days ago by Loomer and her crew. But now she wants to come out to Montana and really "loomer" the guy.

Laura Loomer: "People can go to Loomered.com and they can click the donate button and make a donation, and they can support my work. I am funded like I said before by the grassroots. Or they can go online and subscribe to support my work by subscribing on Twitter for $7 a month, or on my local page Loomer.local.com. But the best way is probably just to make a direct contribution on my site, and then I can come out there and expose all of these disastrous policies that are hurting Americans and hurting Montana voters and ask Jon Tester the questions that need to be asked of him."

Click here for the full audio of our chat with Laura Loomer, John Jackson "The Joker from Twitter," and callers from all across Montana once the audio is posted from Tuesday's 9 a.m. hour. 










SHOT Show- Montana to Las Vegas

We took the trip from Montana to Las Vegas for the SHOT Show- the world's biggest guns and outdoor gear show. From radio row to the trade show floor.

Gallery Credit: Aaron Flint

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