S-Bar-S Building Center — Billing's pole Buildings and Pre-built Storage Buildings Expert
Locally owned and operated, S-Bar-S Building Center has three divisions to serve our valued customers — on-site construction, pre-built storage buildings, and the retail building center.
On-site Construction
The S-Bar-S on-site construction division is Montana’s premier pole building manufacturer. We design and construct post frame buildings for agricultural purposes such as barns, riding arenas, and implement storage.
We also build pole barns to serve as shops, garages, outbuildings, RV and boat storage — and even residences.
Pre-built Storage Buildings
S-Bar-S specializes in manufacturing and delivering pre-built storage sheds, portable cabins, and livestock shelters.
Our storage sheds are built to be durable and secure. We always have basic sheds in stock, ready to be delivered. We also can customize any portable building with windows, overhead or walk-in steel doors, masonite lap siding, custom paint, skylights, etc. If access is an issue, on-site construction and storage shed kits are also available.
Building Center
The building center is a 17,000-square-foot hardware store and lumber yard. The store includes paint, power tools and hand tools, plumbing, electrical, hardware, cleaning supplies, rental, as well as home décor, flooring, outdoor living, and lawn and garden departments.
In the spring and early summer we have one of the best garden centers in town with quality flowers and vegetables and a staff that can answer all your gardening questions.
Additional Information
Billing's pole Buildings and Pre-built Storage Buildings Expert, Sheds, Pole Buildings, Livestock & Range Shelters