The Yellowstone Valley Farmers Market will kick off their 2019 season on Saturday (7/20) beginning at 8am around the Skypoint at 2nd Avenue North and North Broadway in Downtown Billings.
The Farmer's Market happens from 9a - noon. Early birds get the best picks, but I find that prices typically get slashed in the last 1/2 hour of the event - I mean, who wants to load all that stuff back in their car and take it home?
Don't forget that the Farmers market starts Saturday at 8am. It will be downtown at the intersection of North Broadway and 2nd Avenue North. Fruits, veggies, bread, should all be available at the 60 booths. Remember, you don't have to be lonely at farmers market downtown...
I was not in attendance for the 2015 Strawberry Festival in downtown Billings, but I heard through many people that it was one of the best and biggest.
If you plan on partying in Downtown Billings on any Friday night in the next several weeks and have to leave your car parked here overnight make sure you come pick it up first thing in the morning... and by first thing I mean 5am. Above are the tickets of 4 vehicles that were towed today so vendors could set up in the spaces they previously purchased...
I hit the Farmers Market in downtown every Saturday morning. Unfortunately most mornings I don't get there early enough to get my pick of the awesome heirloom tomatoes. This last Saturday was the exception though and you can see my haul in the photo above...
This morning, from 8 to Noon, it's week #2 of the Farmers' Market!
I went last Saturday, and it was amazing! I still can't believe how big the Farmers' Market is here in Billings! So much to choose from! Fresh eggs, meats, fruits and veggies...
This Saturday morning, treat yourself to the Yellowstone County Farmers' Market! I went for a few minutes last Saturday, and it was awesome! We loaded up on fresh fruits and veggies. I want to especially recommend the blue berries, raspberries and black berries from Oregon...