So, yesterday at the police station, there are 50+ people there. No masks, no social distancing, no adhering to any of the COVID-19 rules. Where was our county health director?
Q2 reports that the Billings “March for Our Lives” rally drew an estimated four to five hundred people on Saturday at 10 a.m., signs in hand, to voice their frustration with current gun laws and school safety measures, in front of the Yellowstone County Courthouse, complete with a live band...
CNN reports that students around the United States are walking out of class to demand tougher gun laws in response to last week’s deadly shooting in Parkland, Florida, but some schools are threatening harsh punishments. The Needville Independent School District in Texas issued a warning Tuesday that anyone who participated in a walkout or other political protest would be suspended for three days..
Star tennis player Serena Williams said she will not be silent anymore about the killing of black men by police. This, coming after the killing of Keith Scott in Charlotte. Did you know 5 white men were also killed that day by police, are they upset about that...