For this week's One Line Monday topic, Mark and Paul want to know what you think about the immigration debate.  Your choices are simple, should we shut down the border or grant amnesty to the people coming here?

Not surprisingly, many Cat Country listeners are sick and tired of picking up the bill for people who come to our country illegally.  However, we were shocked that not a single person who called in was opposed to closing the boarders.  Not a single, solitary, person.  And we took a lot of calls.

Which got Paul fired up and ready for a rant. Why do our politicians refuse to listen to the will of the people?  Especially, when the will of the people is clear and overwhelming.  We're fed up with the lip service.  It's time our elected officials stood up and did something about this problem.  And the lack of leadership extends to both sides.  We can't name a local congressman who's done anything on this issue.

When you see Daines, Walsh and Tester campaigning for votes, don't let get away before you call them out.  Shake their hand, look them in the eye and ask them what they're going to do about protecting our borders.  It's time our politicians heard it from the people they are elected to represent.  If we don't hold them accountable, nobody will.



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