Every Friday I try to summarize the highlights from my week, both on and off the air. This week's highlights included a round of golf one day then needing 4 wheel drive the next.

We had a great day last Saturday doing Paul's Barn Raising. The plan is to possibly have another day to finish putting the tin on the roof. We will let you know. Also, yes, I did bring beer because I know my partner.

Met up Dan Keith, who I went to elementary school with, but hadn't seen in over 30 years. It's always good to get caught up with folks from your past.

We enjoyed seeing so many folks at Casino 8 last night who stopped in to get signed up. Next week is our only Heights appearance. We will be at McKenzie River Pizza on Thursday from 5-7. We will have a dinner special and hopefully that's close to where you live.

My photo today is of a flashlight that everybody should own! I had to replace my stereo receiver which is stacked with a CD player, cable box, and DVD player. Well, I bought a new receiver and added a Play Station 4 to play Blue Ray DVD's.

I started the project Sunday afternoon and finally got back to it Thursday. When I walked back around the cabinet yesterday, I saw that I had left it on, for FOUR days!

I'm going to buy a bunch more of these!

Have a great weekend!




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