The big topic on the Breakfast Flakes this week was the proposed $122 Million School Bond Issue (absentee ballots were sent out today, by the way).  On Tuesday, Superintendent of Schools Terry Bouck joined the Flakes to make his case for the controversial initiative.

Today, Mark and Paul read an e-mail from a local school teacher who commended them for asking tough, but respectful, questions during the segment with Superintendent Bouck.  In spite of her differences with the Flakes on this issue, she agrees that the local media coverage has been heavily slanted in favor of the bond measure.  Mark and Paul called these so-called journalists on the carpet for not reporting both sides of the issue, especially a hotly debated and controversial one like this.

While the Flakes oppose over 1/10th of a billion dollars in new taxes, they do support education.  Paul wondered why the school district can't solve their problems like homeowners do.  If you need to make major repairs on your home, you tackle the projects one at a time.  Paul theorized that making a series of smaller repairs to school facilities would end up costing the taxpayers less money down the road.

Ultimately, the voters will decide.  Whatever side you're on, the Flakes encourage you to get out and vote.  On an important issue like this, voter turnout should be 100%.

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