
Nobody Wants Montana’s Senate Seat?
Nobody Wants Montana’s Senate Seat?
Nobody Wants Montana’s Senate Seat?
Proving that you have to be nuts to want to get into politics, another candidate Democrats were hoping to recruit for Montana's open Senate seat has decided not to run! In a statement yesterday, Stephanie Schriock said the time just wasn’t right for her to throw her hat into the crazy world of the Senate and represent Montana...
Yay! Billings Is Going To Get Another Parking Lot!
Yay! Billings Is Going To Get Another Parking Lot!
Yay! Billings Is Going To Get Another Parking Lot!
If you have driven down Montana Avenue lately you have probably noticed that the Windsor Court building was demolished at the corner of 27th Street and Montana Avenue in the name of progress. Unlike the new, high tech, City of Billings public library they're building on 6th Avenue the 27th Street and Montana Avenue site is not destined to be aesthetically pleasing or for the enrichment of our fine
Why Do Brew Houses Have To Close At 8PM?
Why Do Brew Houses Have To Close At 8PM?
Why Do Brew Houses Have To Close At 8PM?
They say politics makes strange bedfellows. I thought being a Republican meant you were for creating jobs and freedom. It's stupid enough Montana State law forces them to stop serving beer after 8pm. But now Republican Roger Hagan from Great Falls is sponsoring a bill on behalf of the Tavern Association that would put restrictions on how much of their own beer local breweries can sell at their own
Someone Needs Some Schoolin’
Someone Needs Some Schoolin’
Someone Needs Some Schoolin’
Love this quote from a Montana state legislator who wants teachers to be allowed to teach "alternative viewpoints" to evolution. No matter what your political leanings are we probably shouldn't be teaching what we don't know. Just sayin'.
Stamps Are Going Up On Sunday
Stamps Are Going Up On Sunday
Stamps Are Going Up On Sunday
On Sunday the price of a first class stamp will go up by one penny to 46 cents. The U.S. Postal Service needs the extra revenue to try to close a huge deficit created in part by 2006 congressional mandate, under which it has to pre-fund healthcare benefits for future retirees to the tune of $75 Billion...
The Funniest Fiscal Cliff Memes
The Funniest Fiscal Cliff Memes
The Funniest Fiscal Cliff Memes
Hey, did you hear the good news? We managed to avoid soaring headlong off the fiscal cliff yesterday. Granted, the House pulled the plug on a bill providing emergency aid to people whose lives were destroyed by Superstorm Sandy to do it. But they did it. Hooray!(?)

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