
The Montana Connection from Last Chiefs Super Bowl Win
The Montana Connection from Last Chiefs Super Bowl Win
The Montana Connection from Last Chiefs Super Bowl Win
As it turns out, there's a few great Montana connections with the Kansas City Chiefs- starting with Jan Stenerud (featured on the left in the above photo). Stenerud played for Montana State University. He'll actually be back here in Montana in March for the big Montana Football Hall of Fame banquet in Billings.
MSU Roof Collapse Could Have Been Tragic
MSU Roof Collapse Could Have Been Tragic
MSU Roof Collapse Could Have Been Tragic
I've been watching various social media feeds and of course there are many Griz fans leaving some pretty funny comments about the school known for architecture and engineering, but personally I am extremely happy we're not having to report some horrible tragedy and loss of life on our airwaves today.
Billings, How Would You React?
Billings, How Would You React?
Billings, How Would You React?
Last friday something dramatic happened and honestly, I am not so sure I would disagree with what took place. Larry Nassar is a one time USA Gymnastics and Michigan State University doctor who was convicted of sexual abuse of those he was supposed to be caring for...
Fossil Fuel Sit In
Fossil Fuel Sit In
Fossil Fuel Sit In
U.M. students are joining a wave of sit in protests to call on their investment committee to not divest in fossil fuels. Do these common sense challenged kids realize how much of their education is funded by fossil fuels and other natural resource revenue...