
Overnight Summer Camps for Kids in Montana
Overnight Summer Camps for Kids in Montana
Overnight Summer Camps for Kids in Montana
I grew up in an era with lots of Summer Camp movies. Meatballs, Ernest Goes To Camp, Camp Nowhere, Friday the 13th...almost all of those movies made me want to go to summer camp, but it just wasn't an option where I grew up.
Register for Kids Bowl Free
Register for Kids Bowl Free
Register for Kids Bowl Free
I know we're just barely into Spring, but it's already time to start thinking about what to do with the kids when they get out of school for the Summer. I'm a big fan of things that keep them off the couch and lie somewhere between free and cheap. Pricewise, the "Kids Bowl Free" title says it all. You'll only be out 2 bucks for shoe rental.
Perfect Summertime Food - Just Add Salt
Perfect Summertime Food - Just Add Salt
Perfect Summertime Food - Just Add Salt
I can't imagine a summer without having some watermelon outside at least once. The perfect end to a meal of grilled burgers, dogs, and the typical sides. Recently, while at such an event, I did my usual routine of grabbing a big slice of watermelon and then putting a nice layer of salt on it. I was met with the disgusted faces of literally everyone I was with. "Why would you put salt on watermelon?" Really? Isn't that a thing with everyone that doesn't have an aversion to salt?
Who's Got Your Favorite Patio?
Who's Got Your Favorite Patio?
Who's Got Your Favorite Patio?
I spend too much of my time inside an office or studio and even though we do have a great view, it's no substitute for fresh air and sunshine. In addition to the physical outdoor activities I've been doing (mainly riding bikes with my daughter and taking walks), I'd like to start doing some patio dining at least once a week. In fact, I'd like to see which restaurant has the best patio in town.
Where Did Summer Go?
Where Did Summer Go?
Where Did Summer Go?
Labor day is only 25 days away, kids are getting ready to go back to school, and it was 30 degrees in West Yellowstone today.  Where did summer go? My uncle always said age is like toilet paper, the longer it's there the quicker it goes...
My favorite Kool-aid flavor was always black cherry.  But, I liked grape the best in the pop-cycles we use to make.  A great summer treat. Please read Mark's blog so he has more hits than me.......
Have you noticed that there is still snow in the mountains? I knew an old timer that said "If there is snow in the mountains in July, hail is on the way".  We'll see, at this point any moisture would be welcomed in eastern Montana.  Hang in there, and we will see you Monday...
Evening Walk
Evening Walk
Evening Walk
Last night I had to walk home from the field after spraying.  That was a big mistake.  The mosquitoes are awful already. If you walk by the ditch or river or any other water source be prepared for a complete attack on your exposed skin...
5 Billings' Summer Must-Do's
5 Billings' Summer Must-Do's
5 Billings' Summer Must-Do's
Summer is on the way and I have come up with my top 5 things we must do in Billings before the the cold chill comes back on. Go Swimming At Least Once Summer wouldn't be summer without hitting the pool, lake or river. There's an unwritten law somewhere that says we must swim...

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