Eddie Wright
6 People Who Apologized For Their Own Movie
On April 22, it was reported that Michael "I Make Things Go Boom" Bay, apologized to a reporter from The Miami Herald for the third act of his 1998 smash, 'Armageddon.' He said:
The Weirdest Ghanaian Movie Posters
Ladies and gentlemen, we invite you to the glorious world of Ghanaian posters for Hollywood blockbusters.
Never Do ‘The Harlem Shake’ By a Bonfire, People
They said the 'Harlem Shake' was hot, but this is ridiculous.
The Best J.J. Abrams Fan Art
From Friday, April 26, 2013 until Saturday, May 18th, the very awesome Gallery 1988 (West) is hosting The Official Bad Robot Art Experience, a gallery of artwork inspired by wunderkind producer/director/god of all things geek J.J. Abrams.
Creative Photographer Inserts Herself Into Famous Images
If you could travel back in time, would you snap a cell phone photo of the famous people you brushed shoulders with? In her latest series, Hungarian photographer Flora Borsi imagined what the world would be like if a time traveler could venture into the past and capture some of humankind's greatest, most iconic moments ever. But in this scenario, Borsi herself is the aforementioned time traveler.
These Creepy Skintight ‘Star Wars’ Costumes Will Give You Nightmares
Looking to get an early start on your costume for that midnight screening of 'Star Wars: Episode VII' in 2015? Well Costume Craze has got you disturbingly and revealingly covered with their "OH THE HUMANITY!" shout-inducing Second Skin costumes featuring your favorite folks from a galaxy that is not nearly far, far away enough...