Earthquakes, Planes, and Getting Rear Ended. Mark Shares Some Crazy Experiences.
Paul had a news story this morning about an earthquake. Off the air, he asked me if I had ever been in one. And I told him that I felt a small one in Great Falls in 1983. But, nothing got damaged.
And then it occurred to me that I had been through a pretty unique experience for a Montanan. Most folks haven't been through an earthquake. So that makes it slightly unique.
Have you ever shot a gun in a house? I have.
How about getting rear-ended in an automatic car wash? Yep. Put a checkmark by that one for me, too.
I've played golf with Steve Jones, who won the 1996 U.S. Open. Fun guy. Talked trash the whole time.
I played basketball with Mark Miller from Sawyer Brown. I also got jumped over by some guy who played for the Harlem Globetrotters.
I gave Janie Fricke a ride in my Camaro.
I actually piloted a small plane once for almost 60 seconds. It turns out that flying in small aircraft makes me nauseous.
I have driven "bump & run" cars as well as the ones that just go round and round. And I did well with those. Demolition derby cars, not so much. Also, I'm not a big fan of being a sitting duck.
My two bucket list experiences left are having Sheryl Crow's band play at the BBQ in my backyard and getting a hole-in-one.
What's your unique experience? I'll be interested to see the comments.
See you Monday morning at 5 a.m.!