Which Chores Do You Prioritize Over Others?
What are you doing this Labor Day weekend? I thought that we would be going out of town, maybe camping or heading to the Hi-line to see my mom, but no. Sadly, my husband ended up working on Saturday, throwing a wrench in our plans. No worries though, I made it into a honey-do (by that I mean, a Karen-do weekend). This was a good time to get some of the little things that have been bugging me done. I replaced the handle on the toilet, it would sometimes stick so the water would continually run (annoying). I also swapped out the handles on the bathroom sink, someone (I won't name names, and no it wasn't me) turned the handle too far and broke it. Oh sure I could have called the landlord or had someone else come do it, but I like doing stuff like this. I would rather fix the toilet and sink or change out the headlights and change the oil in the car than do dishes or laundry. Perhaps I'm a freak, but I still like getting my hands dirty and doing things myself.