Mr. Thrifty Foods — Billings' Grocery Expert
Mr. Thrifty Foods, with minor name changes, has been part of the Billings community for nearly 40 years. The current ownership started in 2000 and remain committed to providing quality products at bargain prices.
The products you’ll see on the shelf, in the coolers or freezers, may be from overstock, miss-shipments, closeouts or short-dated per manufacturers “best-by” dates. They even might have been discounted because new packaging or labeling rolled out.
We buy from local distribution areas across the United States so you’ll often find new products seldom, if ever, seen in other local stores. Whether you can find the same product locally or not, you’ll be certain to appreciate the 40 percent to 60 percent savings on most items in the store — be it grocery, dairy, or meat.
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