Best Sand Castles: 10 Beach Designs That Truly Made Waves
If people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, then what about people who live in sandcastles? After all, glass is just melted sand, right? Maybe they shouldn’t throw magma. Who knows?
The point is, it takes a special kind of sandcastle to inspire this line of questioning. The artistry, the scale and the craftsmanship all have to be second to none. You’re about to see 10 of these epic sand sculptures, so there’s no telling what you might start to think by the end of it.
Pretty impressive for just monkeying around, no? Suddenly, King Kong doesn’t look so scary anymore.
It’s always great to see the sun come out at the beach, especially when it looks this happy.
Sunscreen? Check. Beach towel? Check. Hammer of Thor? How did you forget to bring that? This sandcastle is truly one from the beach Gods.
Creepy? Sure. But we can’t knock this sandcastle for its impressive craftsmanship. We’ll just try not to get too close to it.
Most sandcastles are more like sand huts. Not this one, which is practically its own city on the beach.
Trains don’t go through the ocean, but if they did, they’d apparently be driven by a squid. Either way, we’re all aboard this amazingly designed sandcastle.
Who needs ‘Hungry Hungry Hippos’ when you can just make hippos out of sand? Best of all, these sand hippos are totally harmless. We hope …
Forgot your beach chair? Don’t worry, this beach couch has you covered. It even has a beer waiting for adults who want to relax and cool off.
We’d be lying if we said we weren’t impressed with this sand sculpture of the king of the jungle. The painted eyes, nose and teeth take it to the next level.