Flakes and Guests Party at Flamingo Beach
I don't know if the beach at our resort was actually called "Flamingo Beach" or not. But that's what the weather app on my phone said. And that sounds "vacationy", so that's what I'm going with.
Each year we have a private beach party exclusively for our group. And this year's was another home run! We even had our own dedicated wait staff, hors-d'oeuvres, and LED palm trees.
It's always scheduled about the midpoint of the week so everybody can compare notes and take lots of photos.
That night, one group of guests went to the "Luminous Lagoon", where the algae glow when you jump in the water. And we golfers decided that "Cinnamon Hill" would be our destination to play a round.
But that's another blog coming your way later this week.
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