Luke Combs’ Wife Nicole Says It’s Been ‘Really Easy’ Going From One to Two Kids
Luke Combs' wife Nicole says that she's in the groove as a mom of two.
After the country star couple welcomed their second child, baby boy Beau, in mid-August, Nicole shared an update on parenthood and life during a round of "Ask Me Anything" on her Instagram Stories. In response to a question about which was harder — going from 0-1 kid or 1-2 kids — she said that becoming a parent to one child was much harder than adding a second kid to the mix.
"Going from 0-1 was absolutely wild & overwhelming to me," Nicole relates. "The lifestyle change being the reason. Not being able to do whatever whenever (even something simple like shower lol) was something I never really thought about [because] nobody ever talks about it.
"If it makes me sound selfish [I don't care]. I wouldn't change my life now for anything," she adds. "At the time, it was just a shock."
But now that she's already in the mindset of life as a mom, Nicole says, adding a second child to the equation wasn't so hard. "Now I'm just in it & used to not really getting any sleep in the beginning. I don't mind at all," she explains. "[Because] now I know it goes by so fast, too fast. Going from 1-2 has been really easy for me personally!"
Elsewhere in the Q&A, Nicole revealed that childbirth was tough for her both times, but that her first experience was the hardest.
"Tex by farrrrr," she replied to a fan who asked which birth was more difficult. "My epidural didn't work with Beau so that says a lot."
Tex, the Combs' oldest child, was born in June 2022, meaning that they now have two kids under two years old. Nicole is also an avid reader who often shares book recommendations with her fans, and on social media, she fielded a question about how she finds time to pursue her hobby with two young kids at home.
"People ask how I have time to read with 2 under 2, and the answer is when they sleep," she wrote. "It also takes me weeks to finish a book [because] they do not sleep."
Combs took the month of September off from his World Tour to spend with his expanding family. He'll return to the road for shows in Scandinavia and Europe in October.