Montana Senator Hits “Bidenomics” in GOP Leadership Remarks
The Montana economy continues to show strength, but the national economic headwinds continue to hit Montanans in the pocketbook.
Montana Governor Greg Gianforte (R-MT) and the Republican Supermajority in the state legislature delivered over a billion dollars in tax relief, and those efforts continue to fuel growth and low unemployment in Montana. Democrat led states, largely, aren't faring so well.
But even in states like Montana that are doing better economically, we still get hit by the inflation that is being driven by the overspending in Washington, D.C.
Montana's US Senator Steve Daines delivered remarks during the weekly GOP leadership press conference on Capitol Hill. He hammered "Bidenomics" for the harm the Joe Biden-Jon Tester policies are causing across the country.
Here's his full remarks:
“President Biden spent the month of August telling a very different story to the American people than what we are seeing back home with the people that elect us to come back here to Washington.
Don't take my word for it, as Joe Biden's trying to spin this Bidenomics story, look at the headlines that have come out in publications from your colleagues in the press. ‘The housing market is stuck. Americans can't afford homes. Investors aren't buying property. Economists see little relief ahead.’ New York Post, ‘Credit Card and Car Loan Default Hit a Ten-Year High as Inflation Squeezes Families.’ This came out in Forbes just yesterday, in fact, as I was flying in from Montana. ‘Strapped for Cash. More Americans Are Making Early Withdrawals From Their Retirement Savings.’
And you've seen the headlines in the last month about credit card debt at over $1 trillion, an all-time, record high. And now we've got new information that says our deficits are going to exceed $2 trillion. To put that in perspective, our deficit over the next year will be larger than the GDP of every country but 10 in the world. This is a direct result of what's happened with what we’ve seen with President Biden and their spending spree. It’s unacceptable.
But the reality in Joe Biden's America versus what Americans are actually seeing are completely disconnected. It’s time for the administration to reverse course on its out-of-control spending.”
LOOK: Here is the richest town in each state