‘Outrageously Interesting’ Montana Map: Offensive or Accurate?
We stumbled upon this interesting map found here of Montana titled 'The Gorgeous Mosaic' and apparently it's been around since 1996, and it wasn't until now that we were able to share it.
The map attempts to pigeonhole stereotypes found in different regions around our state.
For example:
The Flathead area is known as - "Hollywood pseudo cowboys in need of privacy, open air and a full time personal staff of 40."
The Billings region - "Mad Bombers"
Helena - "U.F.O. Buffs"
Miles City - "Right-wing religious fanatics."
Which stereotypes seem accurate/too far off to you? Do you agree or disagree with certain parts of this cheeky map? If so, which parts? Sound off below.
(Take a full look at the map in question here.)