Homeward bound? I’ll Make a Custom Map
So, I was having a beer with my buddy at a local brew pub. (I'll call it "Infuriated Henry's" so as to not give them free advertising. But I think you know where I mean.) I was trying to explain to him where a friend of mine lives in Northern California.
It's a little town called Tiburon, which is on a peninsula across the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco. If you're right at the tip of the peninsula you get a breathtaking view of the city by the bay as Steve Perry put it in Journey's song "Lights."
My iPhone was dead so I tore up a napkin and proceeded to put Homer to shame. The thin strip of torn napkin represents the Golden Gate Bridge with San Francisco on the bottom and Marin County to the north. Tiburon would be at the mouth of the piece that looks like a seahorse. The base or tail of the seahorse is Oakland.
Thank God my phone was dead because drunk mapping is far less dangerous than drunk texting. LOL.