Probiotics And Other Supplements I Swear By

You might ask, "Um, Mark, why do you have a picture of a probiotic bottle on your phone?" It's because I'm practically a spokesman for this product. After I give my presentation I usually end up sending a photo so my friends know which one to get.
Paul and his wife turned me on to this 20 years ago and I'm hooked. It helps with your digestion and immunity. I haven't gotten a cold or the flu in years.
I credit my grandmother for belief in supplements. She and her husband took a dozen different vitamins each day. They stayed away from sugar as much as possible. They used local honey to sweeten their tea. They were like that most of their lives and both lived into their late 80s.
When my sister and I were young both of our parents worked jobs that didn't allow them to get home until well after 2 a.m., so my grandmother would come over each morning to prepare some oatmeal for us. Along with that came a gigantic tablespoon full of cod liver oil. You can hold your nose or wash it down with Hawaiian Punch, but you weren't getting out of there without your daily dosage.
Along with that we also weren't allowed to eat white bread because of all the chemicals that she told us were in it. They also grew all of their own green beans, carrots, lettuce and a huge plot of corn every year.
If you're interested in the probiotic that we take, you can purchase it at Mary's Health Foods.
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