
Poor Student Attendance In MT
Poor Student Attendance In MT
Poor Student Attendance In MT
According to a report for the website 26% Montana's 4th grade students miss 3 or more school days per month and 29% of 8th grade students miss 3 or more days per month. Those are the worst percentages among all 50 states...
Best And Brightest!
Best And Brightest!
Best And Brightest!
Not all the kids are just hanging out in the halls at high school. We shared some good news this morning from Superintendent of Public Instruction Denise Juneau - she says that the number of high school students who too the ACT Plus Writing test this past spring increased by almost 3,000!
High $ Jobs With No Degree
High $ Jobs With No Degree
High $ Jobs With No Degree
Increasingly, people are learning that a four-year college education doesn’t always pay. You can spend upwards of $100,000 to get some letters after your name and still end up jobless, or in a job that doesn’t pay enough to cover your school loan payments. That’s probably why nearly 70 percent of the American workforce doesn’t hold more than a high school diploma. But you don’t necessarily need a
Watch How This Rude Law Professor “Educates” Students
Watch How This Rude Law Professor “Educates” Students
Watch How This Rude Law Professor “Educates” Students
If there's one thing you can say about politics, it certainly brings out the best in people. As you can see in the above video, a political "debate" went awry when a University of Oregon Professor physically pushed two students subsequent to making "racists remarks" towards them...