Now that we've reached the midpoint of the latest season of Louis C.K.'s great TV show 'Louie,' can we just go ahead and declare it the smartest comedy series of the '00s?
With their latest album, 'Turn Blue,' out today, we figure it's about time to take an inside look at the Black Keys and share some facts you probably didn't know about the bluesy Akron duo.
Every year on April 1st, office water coolers are spiked with white wine and computer mouses are glued to desks. Every year on college campuses, half empty buckets of water are placed on the top of dorm room doors and passed out bros are covered with marker ink. And throughout the world, the sound of chuckling and cackling can be heard echoing across its borders.
We all like to share our opinions and “likes” all over the internet, so the geniuses at Pinterest created a way for us to just clip, collect and post the things we see and love, and then share them with the world.
Seems simple, right? Well, not really. There are a few things you need to know to make your Pinterest experience very pinteresting. (Sorry, couldn’t resist.)
Unless you have a lot of spare time on your hands and enjoy reading privacy policies and terms of use, there are probably many things about Facebook that you aren’t aware of. Here are ten things you probably didn’t know about the agreement between you (the user) and Facebook.
Giving a day of commemoration to one of the world's most instrumental civil rights leaders whose peaceful words and deeds contributed to a whole new understanding of equality and brotherhood seems like a no-brainer. Martin Luther King Day's history, however, was fraught with controversy and took years just to get on the federal government's official calendars.
The Next Web / r_gnuce / PlayfulLibrarian, Flickr
Tired of all the Thanksgiving hype, Thanksgiving decorations and extravagance? Or is this your first time hosting a Thanksgiving dinner? Whether you feel the need to go back to basics with the holiday or you want to learn all the facts, don't feel like you're left in the dark.
This Thanksgiving, millions of Americans will sit down at the table and gawk over all the goodies they are planning to cram in their gullet. The holiday might seem as familiar as singing “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” during the “Seventh Inning Stretch” or packing a finger in ice that was blown off by a firework on the Fourth of July. However, like all trad