
Flashback: What Elon Musk Told Me in Butte in 2013
Flashback: What Elon Musk Told Me in Butte in 2013
Flashback: What Elon Musk Told Me in Butte in 2013
I remember when I got to attend a press conference and chat with Elon Musk in Butte, Montana back in 2013. This was the line that stood out to me after he was asked about rare earth elements and developing those resources here in America instead of China.
Great News for White Sulphur Springs and Montana
Great News for White Sulphur Springs and Montana
Great News for White Sulphur Springs and Montana
It was certainly great news for our friends in White Sulphur Springs and for the people of Montana when the court ruled on behalf of the Black Butte Copper Mine and the State of Montana. We caught up with former Meagher County Commissioner Nancy Schlepp, who grew up on the family ranch in nearby Ringling.
Montana Tech Prof on Need to Ramp Up Rare Earth in US
Montana Tech Prof on Need to Ramp Up Rare Earth in US
Montana Tech Prof on Need to Ramp Up Rare Earth in US
It's time to ramp up rare earth mining in America, especially if you want electric vehicles or so-called green energy. That's what Dr. Courtney Young, a professor of metallurgical and materials engineering at Montana Tech in Butte, argued in a recent guest opinion column.

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