Ryan Zinke

Both Montana Congressmen Vote Against the Dirty CR
Both Montana Congressmen Vote Against the Dirty CR
Both Montana Congressmen Vote Against the Dirty CR
I know. It's supposed to be called a "clean CR." But I can't in my right mind call it "clean." A spending bill that refuses to address the invasion on our southern border, and continues to send billions to secure other countries is straight up dirty.
Crisis on Flathead Lake, Zinke Pressures Feds on Lake Level
Crisis on Flathead Lake, Zinke Pressures Feds on Lake Level
Crisis on Flathead Lake, Zinke Pressures Feds on Lake Level
Western Montana Congressman Ryan Zinke (R-MT01) is hammering the federal government over the dangerously low lake levels on Flathead Lake. Flathead County Commissioner Randy Brodehl says crops could be wiped out, and a mutli-million dollar tourism economy is in jeopardy as well.
Montana's Congressional Delegation Demands Answers from Pentagon
Montana's Congressional Delegation Demands Answers from Pentagon
Montana's Congressional Delegation Demands Answers from Pentagon
Montana's Congressional Delegation is demanding answers from the Pentagon after it was reported that drag queen story hour events targeting kids were being promoted on US military bases, including Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana. Well, 3/4 of Montana's Congressional Delegation is demanding answers anyway.

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