Today, the Breakfast Flakes read a story about the Corbett Middle School football team in Portland, Oregon.  To commemorate their successful season, the coach invited the players and their families to a celebratory luncheon at the local Hooters restaurant.  Needless to say, that didn't sit too well with the local school board.

After refusing to sanction the event, the school board fired the coach for going ahead with the event in spite of their wishes.  As a show of solidarity for their recently ousted coach, 15 of the 23 players on the team attended the luncheon.  Most of the players reportedly kept their heads down and their hands in their letter jackets.

Paul understands the school district's concern, only because Hooters serves alcohol.  Mark, on the other hand, sees nothing wrong with the post season party.  In his opinion, the players were just supporting their coach.

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