Today, the Breakfast Flakes talked about the elk that was put down by State wildlife officials after chasing a couple riding a motorcycle outside of Missoula.  Instead of trying to avoid a potentially dangerous animal (they were on a motorcycle, after all), the "victims" decided to film the elk with their cell phones.  And, of course, it's now a big YouTube sensation, with over 140,000 views.

For Mark and Paul, it's just another sad statement about the lack of collective intelligence in our culture today.  When did our society turn into a never ending episode of "America's Funniest Home Videos"?  Are those 15 minutes of fleeting YouTube fame worth the risk of being trampled by one of the largest mammals on earth?

The Flakes long for the good old days, before smartphones turned us into a bunch of mindless viral video stars.  Life was so much simpler back then.  If you were driving a motorcycle and an elk began to chase'd get the heck out of there as fast as you could.

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