EVERYTHING You Need to Know About Billings Biggest Garage Sale June 2022
Every year Billings Biggest Garage Sale draws new buyers and sellers and I thought it would be handy to point out a few things that first-timers may not know.
1) For Buyers -- It's $3 to get in, here's why
One of the greatest things about shopping at this sale is not having to deal with getting things to your car. We have staff driving vans and/or trucks through the event at regular intervals and stopping at designated pickup areas. This means, instead of having to carry a bunch of items all the way through the upper parking lot at MetraPark, you simply need to make it (typically) less than 200 feet to the nearest pickup location. After that, we load it onto the vehicle and take it to the main loading location. You simply bring your vehicle there and we'll get all of your stuff transferred.
This money is also used to help pay for security, which we'll get to in item three on our list.
* Kids 12 and under get in free with an adult.
2) For Buyers and Sellers -- There will be FOOD
On garage sale day (Saturday, June 25th), as people are making their way to MetraPark, the question, "Should we grab something to eat on the way?" will be asked many times. Well, if you'd rather just grab a bite at the event while you browse around, just know that there are typically 4 to 6 food trucks on-site and this year will be no exception. As we get closer, I will do an update to tell you exactly which trucks will be there. Just know that if you're only stopping on the way because you assume you can't eat at the event, that's not the case.
3) For Sellers -- Setup happens the night before
This tip is directed toward the sellers. If you've heard the ads for the event, you know that it starts at 7 a.m. Perhaps you thought to yourself, "I'd have to get up at 3:30 in the morning to get all of my stuff out there and set up by 7 a.m.!!" That isn't a pleasant thought for anybody and if that were the case, we probably wouldn't have nearly as many sellers. We actually do the setup the night before and your items will stay on the lot Friday night. We pay for security guards to patrol the lot to make sure your things are safe in the evening hours. For the sellers, this makes life much easier. They can simply roll in Saturday morning ready to wheel and deal.
When: Saturday, June 25th, 2022
Where: Upper Parking Lot at MetraPark
Hours: 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Ready to get your booth reserved to sell that stuff of yours at the Billings Biggest Garage Sale?? Visit this link.
What It's Like At The Biggest Garage Sale in Billings
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