How Many Lives Do We Have to Lose Before We Realize This is Serious, Montana?
Do you feel safe when you leave work at night? I stopped yesterday at the beauty shop to get a haircut and started a conversation with the ladies while under the hair dryer. Just kidding...
But she was telling me that when the girls leave at night after closing they are being hounded by the people living on the streets for money or cigarettes.
Folks, the drug and transient problem in Billings, in Montana, and the nation is at a breaking point. Once-great cities are no longer safe and are communities of filth.
Drug usage and behavior are ignored and accepted now as the norm. This nation must get control. The impact on our society is overwhelming every city and state, not to mention human life and the destruction of our future.
The United States needs to declare war on the drug nations causing the problems. Use our great military might and intelligence to end this scourge on our people. What kind of sane nation lets this happen? Can't people in government see this happening? And why, why no action when we have the ability to stop it?

We have the power of the purse with these nations, China and Mexico, time to get tough. We have the bargaining power and I know the nation would support wiping out the problem no matter what measures we have to take. Who's got the guts, how many trillions of dollars lost, and how many lives lost before we finally realize this is serious?
See ya tomorrow at 5 a.m.
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