One Shot Vaccine May Change the Game in Montana
The Governor just announced that starting next week vaccination will expand to include even more people. But, for the first time, we will get 8700 doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine according to the Billings Gazette. This may be a game-changer for some because only one shot is necessary. I don't know what makes this vaccine different, or even if it works the same way the Pfizer vaccine works, but convenience-wise, it may make it more attractive than having to go back and get a second one three weeks later. That was one of the false narratives being pushed when it came to active cases reported in the state. If people did not go back for the second negative test they were still considered active even though they might not have been. One quick shot may be just the ticket people are looking for and then be done with this whole mess. we'll see. Back tomorrow at 5.
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