Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson once said, “My life is given that much more meaning knowing that I’m going to die.” Tell that to the guy who’s dying.
Discarded cigarette butts may seem disgusting, but they’re actually worth cash — they’re now being recycled into things like plastic pallets, guitar picks and even jewelry.
So if you are anything like me, perhaps you have become a little too paranoid for your own good. How could you not feel that way with all those "gloom and doom" shows you can find on cable TV? You know, the "Top 10 Ways the Earth Will End" type TV shows? Boy, those are uplifting.
With every historical tragedy comes an array of items honoring victims of the event, and September 11 is no different.
In the 10 years since the attacks, a slew of products have been created to commemorate the tragic events of the day — with some being less tactful than others.
Do these goods (like a flask depicting Superman at ground zero or an engraved handgun) really honor September 11 — or do