Your resource page for the latest updates--including photos and videos--from wildfires burning in and around Montana.

Forecasters See ‘Above Normal’ Fire Danger for Montana
Discover how warmer, drier weather in Montana is increasing the likelihood of wildfires

September Starts With Dangerous Fire, and Smoke in Montana
Western Montana faces challenges with poor air quality and evacuations from regional fires in early September, impacting various counties.

Wildfire Reported South of Billings. Public Advised to Stay Away
The fire was reported between 5 and 6 pm on Friday evening and is/was burning south of Duck Creek/River Road near Hillcrest and Keller Road. Officials urge the public to stay clear of the area until further notice.

Historic Montana Lookout Tower Wrapped in Foil as Fire Approaches
Firefighters spent the morning wrapping the old McCart fire lookout station in the Bitterroot National Forest with what looks like tin foil (it's not). The Johnson Ridge fire appears to be approaching the structure from the south.

Heads Up: Parts of Montana Could Lose Electricity on Thursday
Per an update from Northwestern Energy, the company may be forced to activate its Public Safety Power Shutoff protocols on Thursday as fire danger is expected to be extreme across Montana. Here's what it means.

Miller Peak Fire: The Latest and What to Know
On Tuesday, the Lolo National Forest moved into Extreme Fire Danger.

Montana’s Fire Season May Not Be As Bad As We Feared
Despite initial fears of a severe fire season, recent weather improvements in the Northern Rockies may reduce wildfire risks this summer.

Montana Arsonist Faces 100 Years in Prison for 2021 Fires
The devastating fire near Flathead Lake in 2021 destroyed 14 homes and 17 structures, and forced mass evacuations in the region.

Raging Wildfire South of Billings Explodes to Over 10,000 Acres
The human-caused fire is now the 3rd largest fire in the state.

Montana Fire Danger Up this Week with Gusty Wind, Low Humidity
A gusty cool front will slam into Montana tonight (Tuesday) and Wednesday, bringing an increased risk of wildfires for the next few days.

Fires Last Season Could Raise Flood Danger this Spring in Montana
FEMA reminds Montana residents that wildfires leave a potential hazard well after the flames have been snuffed out.

Montana Fire Season 2022: 10 Largest Wildfires Burning Right Now
Here's an updated list of the largest wildfires currently burning in Montana.