On Wednesday, June 5th, both Rose Park and South Park pools will be open for business. Cheap fun and healthy exercise (definitely better than sitting on the couch playing Fortnite).
If you have that feeling of wanting to help, but your bank account isn't willing to fund your holiday generosity, here are some things you can do in Billings that don't involve money, but are extremely valuable, helpful, and needed.
On my 6 mile walk yesterday, I went to Dover Park for the first time. I took a picture of the signs because I was going to blog about dogs not being allowed. But, roughly 16 hours later, I have these thoughts.
I wish I had enough money to buy all of that land and make it an outdoor concert complex...
The Billings City Council will allow dogs in city parks but, there is a catch. Only after licensing fees meet a certain revenue level will it be permitted.
That’s so hypocritical, they pumped a half a million tax dollars into the fountain at south park pool without raising the swim fee. T...
The council will consider allowing pets in the park tonight during their Monday meeting. I think it’s absolutely fine as long as the animals are under control and pose no threat to others.
The poop is a non -issue with me, all of the parks have duck poop, rabbit poop, bird poop, deer poop etc. T...
I'm terrible at pitching horseshoes, but I still love it. In Billings, we're blessed with some pretty good, tax-payer funded, horseshoe pits in many of our parks. I use them frequently, but I've never encountered anybody else playing a game...
According to Google, Montana is the second highest ranking state for searches pertaining to gardening. Obviously, we have plenty of room as a state, but for those in Billings proper, especially the apartment dwellers, it's a bit more of a challenge...
The weather is gorgeous and I have a kid and 2 dogs that have been practically trapped in a hotel for just over 2 weeks. The end is near, however, we still have 9 days before we officially have a residence.
I have a free day Sunday, and I want to take my dogs somewhere...