In an apparent attempt to set the women’s movement back a hundred years or so, retail giant JCPenney was, until Wednesday morning, selling a little girls’ t-shirt that read, “I’m too pretty to do homework, so my brother has to do it for me.”
If you were surprised when you heard about all the hubbub that erupted over a Dollywood guest’s choice of t-shirt, you aren’t alone: Dolly Parton — who just so happens to own the park — is trying to get to the bottom of what happened.
Parton has also personally reached out to Olivier Odom, the guest who was asked to turn her ‘Marriage Is So Gay’ shirt inside out when the park host determined that
Barack Obama is cashing in on the birther controversy.
For a donation of $25 or more to the President's reelection campaign, you can get a copy of his much-discussed birth certificate to wear right on your chest.
In an email to supporters, Obama's deputy campaign manager, Julianna Smoot, explained the reasoning behind the sure-to-be controversial T-shirt.