
It's Time to Streamline Education
It's Time to Streamline Education
It's Time to Streamline Education
I talked about this earlier in the week. Taxes. Everybody's getting them done right now. And, we're finding out how much Uncle Sam is keeping. And, finding out how little of it we get back in a refund. Not everybody is getting a refund. Many are getting sticker shock from what their "Obamacare" cost them...
Discrimination and the IRS
Discrimination and the IRS
Discrimination and the IRS
The U.S. government is very serious when it comes to discrimination. The law states that you can't discriminate based on age, race, religion, physical disabilities, marital status.etc. The biggest violator of this policy is the U.S government...
Getting Taxed On Taxes
Getting Taxed On Taxes
Getting Taxed On Taxes
I have no problem paying my fair share of taxes for the services the government provides... roads, bridges, police and fire departments, national defense, social safety net, food safety, pollution control etc. etc. What I do have a problem with however is getting taxed for paying my taxes...
Montana Is The 6th Best State On Business Taxes
Montana Is The 6th Best State On Business Taxes
Montana Is The 6th Best State On Business Taxes
Some lists you want your home state to be on and some you do not. This is definitely a list we want to be on. According to the nonpartisan Tax Foundation Montana ranks 6th in regard to having one of the best business tax climates in the United States...
Where Is My Montana Tax Refund?
Where Is My Montana Tax Refund?
Where Is My Montana Tax Refund?
Like most people I wait until April 15th to file my taxes. I usually use tax software and file my federal and state taxes through e-file. According to the Montana Department of Revenue's website, since I e-filed I should have received my refund within 2 weeks of them accepting my tax return meaning I should have got my refund on May 1st...
So what is it with these Baldwin Brothers?
So what is it with these Baldwin Brothers?
So what is it with these Baldwin Brothers?
A defense lawyer says prosecutors aren't seeking jail time for actor Stephen Baldwin, who is accused of not paying his New York income taxes for three years! There is a meeting today regarding the case against the youngest of the Baldwin brothers...
The Democrats Are Coming!
The Democrats Are Coming!
The Democrats Are Coming!
Paul and I were discussing the ramifications of what President Obama's Healthcare program is going to mean for us citizens. One of the biggest problems I have with it is the Tax "fine" that they plan to levy on anyone with out health insurance. Both Paul and I disagreed that this is unfair and very strong armed. Paul however had an interesting take on it, see what he has to say in this c

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