Do You Have A Fun Easter Tradition?
Easter isn't really the holiday that one might think of as gift-giving time, but as parents, we've always put a little gift of some kind in the kids' baskets. From squirt guns and bouncy balls to socks, yes I said socks. Ever since our daughter Bailey was about two years old, we have always put socks in her Easter basket. Now I'm never going to win the mother of the year award, but I do think I'm a pretty chill mom and like to keep things fun, so putting fun socks in her basket was always something she liked. Well, at first she thought it was super cool, but over the years, she's decided that it's not so cute anymore. I continue to put socks in her basket. Let's face it: she knows there are socks coming, and who can't use more socks, right? The caveat to this is that each pair of socks has a meaning or something special that Bailey likes. Here are a few of the pairs of socks that she has gotten for Easter, Christmas and her Birthday.