Do You Spank Your Children
In the news recently, there is a Billings man accused of hitting his 2 year old hard enough to leave a bruise.
I'll be honest. I've spanked all of my children. My parents spanked me. It put a healthy fear in the back of my mind, throughout my child-hood that went something like this; "If I do this, is it worth what Mom and Dad are going to do to me?" It worked. It has also worked for my children. However, I don't over-do it. There is a time, a place, and a reason for a spanking. I remember when my youngest went across Great Falls when she was allowed to go to the end of the block. When my husband and I finally found her, I told her she was grounded. He reaction was, "Good. I don't want to do anything, anyway." So, I took the grounding back and gave her a swift smack on the rear.
Do you spank your children? Would you turn someone over to the authorities if you saw a child clearly misbehaving, and the parent smacked their butt? I'm anxious to hear your opinions.