I can't believe how fast the time goes by. July is upon us and I have done next to nothing on my 2017 list.

No west coast road trip. No MLB game. No 4 wheeling trip.

But, I have played lots of golf. Poorly, but at least I'm getting to the course a lot.

Now that I think about it, I should probably quit golfing on the "Big" courses and go back to mini golfing. I was always so much better at that.

In fact, mini golf is better for MANY reasons:

You don't need a tee time. You don't need to bring a big, heavy bag full of expensive clubs. You don't even have to buy a golf ball. They give you one. You don't really need to warm up. You can play most mini golf courses at night. And guys who play other mini golf courses don't act like they are better than you.

The only thing that "big" golf has going for it is the carts.


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