Maybe I Should Apologize
If you were listening this morning early, I was a little hard on the health of Americans. I think it was brought on by the fact that I lost a prolapsed heifer yesterday. I worked diligently to do everything I could to save her. I thought I had it, then this morning found her dead after so much work.
I was so disappointed when at the store the other day I observed the health of the average American. This morning I went over some health statistics for our country, the most advanced country in the world, and yet we're killing ourselves, and we have no one to blame but ourselves. If you were offended, I apologize, but it's such a serious issue that seems like it does not rank on the "important list." We are more concerned about Dr. Seuss books than listening to our own REAL doctors. Live life the way you want, but it's better when you're healthy. See ya tomorrow.
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