In the trailer for the upcoming horror film 'World War Z,' which will air during the 2013 Super Bowl, something is amiss.
It starts when Brad Pitt's character and his family are stuck in traffic. Police motorcycles start zipping by and when Pitt goes out to investigate, he is told to get back in his car. Also, his hair is long, so you know things are serious.
E-Trade returns to Super Bowl 2013 with the now familiar E-Trade baby, who is apparently trapped in some sort of anomaly in the time continuum that prevents him from aging.
Even 'Parks and Recreation' star Amy Poehler is getting in on the Super Bowl commercials of 2013. "How many hilarious movies starring me will this play before running out of juice?," asks Amy, holding up a tablet. Good question, Amy. If the answer isn't "all of them," then we don't want to buy one.
Like they typically do, Budweiser will be featuring their famous Clydesdales in one of their 2013 Super Bowl commercials. We're still not quite sure what they signify. (Budweiser: so good even a giant horse will drink it?)
Jack in the Box thinks the best way to get people to buy their sandwich is to call it a "Hot Mess." Is this the most questionable marketing decision of the 2013 Super Bowl?
Hyundai's Super Bowl ad features a family on a fun-filled excursion made even funner by owning a Hyundai and having The Flaming Lips accompany them with a theme song.
Mercedes is pulling out all the stops in their 2013 Super Bowl commercial. Not only does the spot feature celebrities like Willem Dafoe, Usher and Kate Upton, it also features the classic Rolling Stones song 'Sympathy for the Devil.'
The Allstate insurance company's Super Bowl offering for 2013 is yet another example of their philosophy of terrifying customers into buying insurance. Dean Winters returns as the embodiment of "Mayhem," which, we are told, is everywhere.
New to the Super Bowl commercial game for 2013 is Gildan. You know, the company that makes t-shirts that other people print stuff on. Apparently our estimation of them is a little low, because this guy is willing to do a lot for his favorite shirt, which is obviously a Gildan.