Thank You, Snowplow Drivers
First of all, I want salute everyone who is out there plowing and keeping everybody's power flowing. Thanks for what you do for us.
As we prepare to get another 6-12 inches of snow, I started trying to remember big snow storms from when I was growing up. My family owned nothing but rear wheel drive cars. And we never had a snow blower. Our snow thrower was ME!
But we had several sledding hills we went to when the snow got deep enough. A couple of those weren't "safe" by today's standards, but they sure were fun.
We also used to go to Sun Mountain, up by Neihart, MT. You could go up with your group and rent a tube, get towed to the top of the hill, then let gravity do the rest. The more tubes you hooked together, the faster you would all go. Subsequently, stopping became a little bit more of an issue. But some of those wipe outs would've made ESPN these days.
I heard that the cost of insurance put them out of business. But I've still got great memories of that place.