Time To Play Blog-aroke!
Are you ready for this weeks Blog-aroke song? How well do you really know your country! Try your hand at Blog-aroke and see if you know it as well as you think you do! No cheating please!
Here’s how it works. I give you a portion out of the song and you must guess the correct song title and artist. No googling, please! If you haven’t yet thought of that, then, forget I mentioned it.
Okay so here's this weeks lyrics:
You know I'd fall apart without you
I don't know how you do what you do
'Cause everything that don't make sense about me
Makes sense when I'm with you
I'll even give you one hint from Wikipedia:
Billy Dukes of Taste of Country gave the song 4.5 out of 5 stars. Dukes wrote, "It’s a mature lyric that will wrap around the hearts of country loving women nationwide." He added, "It's familiar without being generic and catchy without being syrupy."
Well there you go folks! Have you figured it out yet? Is this easy or hard? Remember, no using google to find out. That's way too easy. Think hard and when you've got your guess, place it in the comments section and let us know! Happy Blog-aroke!