Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Slayer – Freeing the Slaves and Killing Vampires!
Saturday night, we went to Abe Lincoln, Vampire Slayer! I must say, it totally kicks! What a great concept for a movie! Abe Lincoln's mom is killed by a vampire when he's young, and he decides to avenge her. This is the story of his life after that. It's pretty cool how they take and mix in the real life stuff, like meeting Mary Todd, the Gettysburg address and even more! Plus, super actiony! You should see President Lincoln handle an axe! And it's even cooler how he tricks out his axe! I think the best part is at the end when they are all on the train! Great concept! You'll definately be on the edge of your seats!
Kids, remember, this is not actual history! This is a made-up story about Abe Lincoln! He didn't kill vampires. (I kept thinking about how this could scew the kids... not everything you see in a movie is real, even when it's about real people!)