Got A New Phone, The iPhone 7 Plus
Though I am not as stubborn as Paul Mushaben when it comes to change, I have been dragging my feet on getting a new phone. I finally made the jump and upgrade to an iPhone.
I got the iPhone 7 Plus and I'm not sure yet if it's the bomb or not.
There are some many things that I like about it, and then there are some things that I'm not so sure about.
I love the camera and the quality and the screen (much easier to watch Netflix on then my last phone)
The things I don't like yet (only because I'm not efficient on the phone yet), email.
I wish I could separate the email accounts (personal and business) and have two different icons on the home screen.
My daughter laughs at me every day as I try to maneuver around the iPhone.
I'm sue like anything else, I'll learn how to use it and love it. Right now it's just slow moving.
I have a friend that says, "It's too much phone for you".
Not sure if that is an insult or just a concern.
Do you have an iPhone? Do you love it?
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